Meaning of Common Friends (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Mutual friends is an expression used in real and virtual life to describe people who have the same friend but who often do not know each other personally.

Friends in common is when an individual has a friend, who is a friend of another person, who is not necessarily a friend of the first one, that is, they have a friend in common, but they are not friends. For example, people who are from the same class, who are co-workers, or who attend the same church often have many mutual friends.

Mutual friends is quite common especially in small towns, countryside towns, where most people know each other. In these cities, people can even get to know each other, but they are often not friends, they just have friends in common, and it is this similarity that unites them.

The fact of having friends in common often ends up bringing other people together. When the mutual friend decides to introduce others, people end up getting to know each other, and they can then create a new bond of friendship.

mutual friends on facebook

The term mutual friends is also widely used in social networks such as Facebook. In this social network, when users do not have this option blocked, it is possible to see on someone's profile how many mutual friends exist between the two users. People who have common activities or hobbies usually have more common friends.

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