Meaning of Productivity (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Productivity it's the result of what is productive, i.e, what is produced, what is profitable. It is the relationship between the means, resources used and final production. It is the result of the ability to produce, to generate a product, the result of work, associated with technique and capital employed.

Productivity is the expression of efficiency in any business. For an industry, for example, productivity is directly linked to production efficiency.

A company's productivity indicators are related to the production process to generate products or services. Failures in production, when corrected in time, prevent losses in productivity.

The economic bloc called “Asian Tigers”, formed by South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong, located in Southeast Asia, from the 1980s onwards, presented high productivity, with the implementation of aggressive tactics, with the attraction of foreign capital, tax exemption and cheap labor, aiming at export.

Productivity and EBITDA

The productivity of a company can be measured by

EBITDA (Earnings Before, Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization), which translated into Portuguese, means "Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization" (EBITDA), which represents how much a company generates through its operating activities, excluding taxes and other effects financial. It is a financial indicator often used by financial analysts.

Productivity and aTPM

TPM (Total Productive Maintenance), in Portuguese, Total Productive Maintenance, is a system created in Japan, with the objective of eliminating losses, reducing costs and increasing companies' productivity and competitiveness.

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