Meaning of Gift (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Gift is a word derived from Latin dative which means donation. A gift represents what is given, a gift or an offering.

Gift is everything that is freely received. All acts of benevolence that are naturally part of society are considered as gifts, for example, donating blood or organs, donating clothes or food to the most needy, etc.

The term gift is still used with the meaning of divine gift, for example, “children are a gift from God”.

The expression is also often used to refer to a gratitude for life, for the gift of being alive. For example: "On my birthday I thank you for the gift of life".

In Portuguese spoken in Portugal, the term gift is often used assuming the meaning of donation. Example: Making a "blood donation" (blood donation).

They are synonymous with the word gift: blessing, gift, blessing, virtue, offering, gift, among others.

“Egypt is a gift from the Nile”

“Egypt is a gift from the Nile” is a phrase written in the 5th century BC. a., by the Greek geographer and historian Herodoto. The phrase means that the Nile River, a great river in northeast Africa, made possible the development of Ancient Egypt that grew on its banks.

Through a hydraulic system, abundant water was used for the cultivation of agriculture, which would be impossible without the presence of river waters, as the region is predominantly composed of areas of desert.

Therefore, with this phrase Herodotus registered that the existence of the Nile River is the source of life and development in the country.

gift economy

Gift economics or gift economics are terms used in Social Sciences to designate utility (use value) of objects or shares as opposed to the market economy based on the value of replacement.

Therefore, the gift economy refers to actions that do not have a direct compensation. Examples of economic donations can be: donations in general (of objects, clothes, food, blood), information and courses made available free of charge, and actions carried out as volunteers.

See also the meaning of Benesse.

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