Meaning of Harmony (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Harmony it is the feminine noun with origin in the Greek language and which indicates an agreement or consonance both in the artistic and social context.

Some synonyms of harmony they can be balance, order, agreement, concord, consonance, understanding, conciliation, etc.

Being often related to the universe of music, the musical harmony indicates the concordance or combination of several simultaneous sounds or chords that are pleasing to the ear.

The study of harmony is essential for the study of composition and therefore, harmony is also the art of composing sounds simultaneously. While harmony is the combination of simultaneous sounds, melody is the combination of successive sounds.

In terms of aesthetics, harmony indicates a characteristic of what is considered "beautiful", and indicates an agreement between colors, sizes and movements.

In the more philosophical context, harmony is part of Leibniz's metaphysics, which indicates an agreement that is predetermined, that is, that it was created by God from the beginning.

An element that has harmony is something that is arranged in a balanced and fair way between the parts of a whole.

So harmony is often the result of a sense of peace between people, or the agreement of opinions or feelings between people. Ex: I always liked to spend the weekend at my best friend's house, because I noticed a harmony in his family.

Many people have doubts between harmony or harmony. However, the correct form of writing is harmony, as harmonia is not included in the Portuguese language dictionary.

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