Meaning of In loco (What it is, Concept and Definition)

in loco is an expression in Latin, which means "at the place" or "on the spot" and is equivalent to the expression in situ.

This Latin adverbial phrase is widely used in the Portuguese language, but it is not always used correctly. in locu or in locus are wrong forms of expression, although locus meaning "place" in Latin. Ex: It is not possible to draw conclusions about the company in question without carrying out an on-site assessment.

Latin expressions in situ and in loco are similar in semantic scope, being often used synonymously. Despite this, the expression in loco it is more common and more used, perhaps because it is more easily recognized by people.

In the context of construction, a molded concrete wall in loco it is a wall that was molded in the place where the construction is taking place.

In loco parentis

the expression in latin in loco parentis means "in place of the parents" and is the legal responsibility of an organization or a person to assume some roles and responsibilities that are normally assigned to a parent.

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