Latest Meanings (300)

Definition of Labor

Labor means work, task, toil. It is a word originating from the Latin "labore". Labor is synonymous with toil, hard and prolonged work and the term is generally used for tasks of strength,...

Scope Definition

Scope means environment, field, sphere, contour, space, enclosure. Grammatically it is a masculine noun, which refers to an area that surrounds or surrounds something, it is the periphery. In the sense...

meaning of voluptuousness

Voluptuousness is a feminine noun that is synonymous with voluptuousness or lust, and it means great sense pleasure or great sexual pleasure. The word lust is often related to a...

meaning of mercy

Mercy is a feeling of compassion, aroused by the misery or misery of others. The expression mercy has a Latin origin, it is formed by the junction of miserere (have compassion), and cordis...

Meaning of Nullity

Nullity is the lack of validity, the state or quality of what is null. The meaning of the term is used in the general scope to classify people or in the legal scope to invalidate any contract. When...

meaning of volatile

Volúvel is a two-gender adjective originating from the Latin volubile that classifies a thing that rotates, revolves or changes direction. In a figurative sense, the word fickle refers to what is inconstant,...

meaning of coziness

Coziness is a support, a shelter, a comfort. It is the act or effect of snuggling, it is a physical support, an embrace. The word coziness is a masculine noun, the same as conchego, which refers to well...

Meaning of Doormat

Doormat is a kind of resistant rug, made with thick, rough fibers, such as coconut fiber, or with wire or hard rubber or other materials. The doormat is a small rug that is placed on...

Meaning of Culminating

Culminating means reaching the culmination, the highest point, the highest, the apex. Culminar is an intransitive verb, from the Latin culminare, which means to reach the summit, the top, the highest point. One...

Definition of Underlying

Underlying is what is located underneath, develops or appears from below. Ex.: “underlying rocks”, “underlying waters”. Underlying, in the figurative sense, refers to what...

meaning of imminent

Imminent means something that is about to happen, that is in the process of immediate realization. Imminent is an adjective that qualifies any situation that is about to happen in a short time. When...

Definition of Rudimentary

Rudimentary means that which has not been developed or perfected. It is something that is in the initial, elementary stage. Rudimentary is an adjective that refers to rudiment – ​​initial element, beginning,...

Meaning of Opinion

Opinion is a feminine noun that means the manifestation of a way of seeing, representing the state of mind and attitude of an individual or a group towards a particular parameter...

meaning of commune

Commune, in the broad sense, means a local community, urban or rural, with relative administrative autonomy, a municipality. From the French, “commune”. In Brazil, the expression "commune" is a form...

Definition of Incident

An incident is what happens, what happens, what relapses. It is an adjective of two genders, originating from the Latin term “incident”, which means to fall on, to affect. E.g.: incident tax, incident light...

Latest Meanings (244)

Definition of SolubilitySolubility is the quality of what is soluble, that is, what can dissolve ...

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Latest Meanings (246)

Definition of Fragrant and FlagrantFlagrant and fragrant are two paronyms in the Portuguese langu...

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Latest Meanings (245)

Meaning of Entering the pipeEntering through the pipe is a popular expression in the Portuguese l...

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