Meaning of Underestimating (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Underestimate is a verb that refers to act of not valuing or giving due esteem to something or someone for thinking that this has a value below what it actually presents.

Underestimating a person is the same as not believing in their ability, merit or value to perform a certain activity, for example. Therefore, when someone asks not to be underestimated, it means that they want not to be initially judged as incapable of doing something they are capable of doing.

Example: "Don't underestimate me, I'm able to handle the situation".

The correct way to spell this word is underestimate, the spelling "underestimate" is incorrect and should not be used. This verb should be used to refer to something or someone who has not received the deserved recognition or appreciation.

Underestimation is a very common phenomenon in social relationships, where people tend to judge each other according to appearance. From stereotypes propagated in society, people create images and assumptions that influence the idea they create about others. It is from this process that a large part of the actions of underestimation arise.

Synonyms of underestimating

Some of the main synonyms for underestimating are:

  • Depreciate;
  • Disappreciate;
  • Snub;
  • Devalue;
  • Disrespect;
  • Belittle;
  • Disregard;
  • Despise;
  • Disdain;
  • Disappreciate;
  • Vilify.

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