Mesoclisis and Pronominal Placement

Mesoclisis is the placement of the pronounat thequiteofverb. It is only possible in one way: with verbs in the futureofgift (I will make an effort) or in the futureofpast (I would strive).

There are two more types of position: Proclisis - pronoun before the verb and Enclisis - pronoun after the verb.


  • I will draw you in my dreams. (Mesoclisis)
  • Hope ifunderstand... (Proclisis)
  • call him! (Enclisis)

Mesoclisis is found only in literary works or when one wants, purposely, to give a ceremonial tone to the speech. Here you can answer all your doubts regarding the use of Mesoclisis.

Mesoclisis should be used in two situations:

  1. Prayers where the verb is in the future of the present. Example: I will listen to you whenever you want.
  2. Prayers in which the verb is in the past tense. Example: I would comb you patiently.

Mesoclisis or Proclisis?

The mesoclisis can only be used with future present or past tense verbs, however, these verbs can also be used with the proclisis. This happens when there is any rule that justifies the use of proclisis. If it exists, proclisis will take precedence, which is why it is so rare to find mesoclisis on a daily basis.


mesoclisis proclisis Use of Proclisis
I will tell you that! Never I'll tell you that! in prayers negative.
I would clean your house if you asked me to. Who would help you that day was our biggest surprise. With pronounsrelative.
I would run into your arms so longing! Bad he would see them run into his arms. With verbs preceded by adverbs.
I would break down in tears. such would be the surprise what I would break down in tears. in prayers with conjunctionssubordinate.
I would tell you the truth… Who would tell me the truth after all? In prayersinterrogatives.


Rewrite the incorrect sentences and comment on your answer.

a) I will be proud of every step you take.
b) On the beach sand, where I would draw you if I knew.
c) I will not call you!
d) From there I would study your forms.
e) I will love you to the end of my days.

b) On the beach sand, where I would draw you if I knew. (In this case, there is a rule that justifies the preference for proclisis: clauses with relative pronouns - where is an invariant relative pronoun)

d) From there I would study the forms. (There is also a preference for proclisis since the verb is preceded by the adverb dali)

For you to understand better:

When to use the enclisis

pronominal placement

pronominal placement exercises

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