Meaning of Paragraph (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Paragraph consists of a set of cohesive sentences that serve to express a central thought or idea in a text.

The paragraph symbol is represented by the graphic sign §, which represents the Latin expression signum sectiōnis ("cut signal"). In the past, this sign was used to indicate the beginning of a paragraph, but it came into disuse, being replaced by space. However, the § continues to be used in legal texts, such as in articles of law, indicating the breakdown or complement of an article.

According to ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Standards) rules, paragraphs must always start a little in front of the left margin of the sheet.

Its structure is usually divided into three parts: introduction, where is inserted from phrasal topic, that is, the central idea of ​​the paragraph; O development, which consists of the explanation of the phrasal topic; and the conclusion, closing the idea presented in the paragraph and preparing the bed for the continuation of the text.

Paragraphs should not be too long, except when absolutely necessary, as otherwise they can confuse and distract the reader.

Learn more about ABNT.

Paragraph and Subsection

Complementary Law nº 95, of February 26, 1998, defines the rules for the use of the wording of laws and legal norms, being mandatory the use of the symbol § to indicate the paragraph.

Paragraphs, like subsections, are divisions of an article or caput, and are often used to address specific issues within a given central theme of the article.

When an article has only one paragraph, it is identified in the text as "single paragraph". If there are other paragraphs, these must be followed by ordinal numbers. Example: Paragraph 1, Paragraph 2, Paragraph 3, etc.

Unlike paragraphs, the items are identified in legal texts by being preceded by Roman numerals. Example: I, II, III, IV, etc.

In this way, we can read the indication "art. 3, §4, III" as follows: "third article, fourth paragraph, third item".

Learn more about meaning of caput.

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