Meaning of Reiteration (What it is, Concept and Definition)

reiteration is the act of repeating or reiterating, effect that causes a repetition.

This noun conveys the idea of ​​something or something that is recurrent, that is, that it happened again.

In the legal field, the so-called criminal reiteration it consists in the repetition of a criminal act by a certain subject.

From the perspective of Portuguese grammar, reiteration can still be considered a figure of speech, in the form of the anaphora, which consists of the repetition of words. In literature, the reiteration of words (anaphora) is usually quite explored in poetic texts.

Learn more about the meaning of anaphora.

There are some doubts about the correct spelling of this term. O correct way of writing is reiteration, and not "re-interaction”, this last word does not exist in the Portuguese language.

See also: the meaning of reiterate.

Another common confusion is between the meaning of the words reiteration and rectification, the latter referring to the act of correcting something that was incorrect or inappropriate in the past.

See also: the meaning of rectify.

Some of the main reiteration synonyms are: repetition, renewal and iteration.

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