Latest Meanings (263)

Definition of Hygiene

Hygiene consists of a set of rules and techniques related to health preservation and disease prevention in the human body, through cleaning, disinfection and conservation of...

meaning of daydream

Daydream is a state of wandering of the human being, when he lets himself be carried away by imagination, images, dreams or deep thoughts; ignoring contact with reality or the environment that surrounds you. The daydream...

Definition of Dislike

Dislike is a feeling of revulsion and instinctual revulsion towards someone or something; feeling of disagreement and disharmony between two individuals. Etymologically, the word "antipathy" has...

meaning of secular state

A secular state is a country or nation that has an impartial political position in relation to religion, neither supporting nor opposing any religious belief. The secular state is also known...

meaning of fool

Fool is an adjective that refers to that individual who says or does foolishness, that is, who practices nonsense, who has no intelligence or judgment. The adjective "fool" is also used to express that something or...

Meaning of Vector

Vector is a masculine noun meaning conductor or carrier. From the Latin “vectore”. The word vector can have different meanings, depending on the area of ​​knowledge in which it is used. At...

meaning of stress

The word "stress" comes from the English word "stress", which means "pressure", "tension" or "insistence". Stress can be defined as a set of physiological reactions necessary for...

Definition of Ptialin

Pthyalin or salivary amylase is a digestive enzyme present in saliva that acts on alpha bonds (1-4) of polysaccharides of animal (glycogen) or vegetable (starch) origin, transforming them into maltose...

Definition of Cell

Cell is the smallest basic structural and functional unit of a living being, being considered the smallest portion of living matter. It was discovered in 1665 by the English mathematician Robert Hooke, who observed...

meaning of HIV

HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus, which in Portuguese means Human Immunodeficiency Virus. It is the virus that causes AIDS, also an acronym that comes from English ( Acquired Immune...

Definition of Prophylactic

Prophylactic refers to prophylaxis and means preventive, being used to designate something capable of preventing or alleviating a certain disease (prophylactic measures/actions, prophylactic treatment). The term...

Definition of VAT

IPVA stands for Motor Vehicle Property Tax, which is a state tax with the goal of raising money on people's cars, no matter what type of vehicle for...

Meaning of Emphasis

Emphasis is a feminine noun meaning highlight, highlight, exaltation, or importance. Expressing emphasis is showing exaggerated enthusiasm and eloquence when speaking or gesturing. E.g.: Your...

Definition of Diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized by excess glucose in the blood and urine, which appears when the pancreas stops producing or reduces insulin production, or when The...

Meaning of Emphasize

Emphasize means highlighting, highlighting, highlighting. Emphasis is understood as the property of emphasizing a certain word, fact or theme, with the aim of drawing attention to the subject. At the...

Popular Meanings (235)

Definition of ChavosoChavoso is a popular slang in Brazil used to refer to a person who is consid...

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Popular Meanings (237)

Definition of IATAIATA is the English acronym for International Air Transport Association or Inte...

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Latest Meanings (238)

meaning of jiripocaJiripoca is the popular name for the freshwater fish called jurupoca. In some ...

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