Latest Meanings (51)

Definition of Black Friday

In 2021, Black Friday will be held on November 26th. The date is always celebrated on the fourth Friday of November. On that day, several stores in Brazil and around the world have great discounts,...

meaning of rhymes

Rhymes are repetitions of vocal or consonant sounds (or both combined) that happen at regular intervals within a text. It is a sound resource widely used by poets. Next to...

meaning of lyric

Lyric is the quality of something sentimental, which stands out for its excessive sentimentality. This adjective is usually used to refer to the literary genre composed by the use of singing and music,...

meaning of string

Cordel are leaflets containing popular poems, displayed for sale hanging on ropes or twine, which gave rise to the name. Cordel poems are written in rhyme form and some are illustrated. You...

Poetry, poem, prose and sonnet

Poetry, poem, prose and sonnet are terms frequently used in the literary context, some as synonyms, despite designating different elements. While the poem, the prose and the sonnet are...

meaning of moral sense

Moral sense is what characterizes the feeling that is consistent with morality, according to the moral values ​​(good and evil, right and wrong, etc.) present in a given society. From the point of view...

meaning of ethical

Ethical means everything that is related to the moral behavior of human beings and their position in the social environment. Ethics refers to Ethics, a part of philosophy that studies the moral principles that...

Definition of Axiological

Axiological is everything that refers to a concept of value or that constitutes an axiology, that is, the predominant values ​​in a given society. The axiological aspect or the axiological dimension...

Meaning of Values

Values ​​are the set of characteristics of a particular person or organization, which determine how they behave and interact with other individuals and the environment. The word value...

Definition of Marital Status

Marital status, or marital status, is the situation of an individual in relation to marriage or the conjugal society. According to Brazilian law, there are only five types of status: marital, single,...

Meaning of Social Entrepreneurship

Social entrepreneurship is an initiative that aims to positively impact a particular group or society as a whole. A social enterprise can be aimed at combating inequality or...

Definition of Intrapreneurship

Intrapreneurship is a type of entrepreneurship that consists of the practice of employees have the ability to act as owners of the business, helping to move the creation in...

Meaning of Entrepreneur

An entrepreneur is someone who takes the initiative to become an entrepreneur, to have his own business. He is the one who knows how to identify opportunities and transform them into a profitable organization. The entrepreneur is...

Meaning of Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship means undertaking, solving a problem or complicated situation. It is a term used in the business sector and is often related to the creation of new companies or products...

meaning of knowing

Cognizant is an adjective that qualifies the person who seeks or learns about something, also used to refer to the individual who has the ability to know and assimilate knowledge. The call...

Latest Meanings (73)

meaning of destinationFate is the masculine noun that indicates an end or result of a certain act...

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Latest Meanings (75)

Greenhouse effectGreenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon of the Earth's thermal heating, essent...

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Latest Meanings (74)

eshuExu is an orixá guardian of communication, which is part of the original African religions, s...

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