Latest Meanings (53)

Definition of intellectual disability

Intellectual disability is a developmental disorder that causes an individual to have a cognitive and behavioral level far below what is expected for their chronological age. People with...

Meaning of Chromosomes

Chromosomes are structures composed of DNA that, in turn, carry the genes of a living being, responsible for defining the particular physical characteristics of each individual. The chromosomes are...

meaning of contemporary dance

Contemporary dance is a type of dance that is not limited to a set of specific techniques, thus encompassing a variety of genres, rhythms, forms and performances. For this reason, it is considered...

meaning of spoiler

Spoiler comes from the verb spoil, which means to spoil, it is a term of English origin. Spoiler is when some information source, such as a website, or a friend, reveals information about the content of...

Definition of Podcast

Podcast is a digital audio file transmitted over the internet, whose content can be varied, usually for the purpose of transmitting information. Any user on the internet can create a...

Definition of Crush

Crush is an English term that means “crush” or “collision”, literally translated into Portuguese. However, this word is also commonly used in the sense...

Definition of Spam

Spam is a term of English origin whose meaning designates an electronic message received but not requested by the user. The content of a spam is usually an advertising message that has the...

meaning of fascism

Fascism is an authoritarian regime created in Italy, which derives from the Italian word fascio, which means "beam" and refers to an "alliance" or "federation". It is a totalitarian political movement,...

Meaning of Social Communication

Social communication is an applied social science and consists of a set of signs at the service of the formation and conservation of the social group. Social communication aims to study the...

Definition of Semiotics

Semiotics is the study of signs, which consist of all the elements that represent some meaning and sense for the human being, including verbal and non-verbal languages. Semiotics seeks to understand...

Definition of Diagram

Diagram is a graphical representation used to demonstrate a simplified schematic or summary about a subject. It is usually formed by keywords or concepts that are connected by lines and arrows...

Definition of Infographic

Infographic is a tool that serves to transmit information through the use of images, drawings and other graphic visual elements. Normally, the infographic comes with a text, working as...

Definition of Yeshua Hamashia

Yeshua Hamashia means Jesus Christ, the Messiah. It is a term in Aramaic, which was the language spoken by Jesus that gave rise to several languages ​​spoken until today. Jews, especially in Israel, still...

Definition of Abba Father

Aba Pai is a biblical expression derived from the Aramaic term “ábba” which means “the father” or “my father”. The expression “Abba, Father” was used by Jesus Christ at the time of...

meaning of adonai

Adonai is a term of Hebrew origin that means "my Lord". This was the name of God used in the Old Testament instead of the divine name of Yahweh (Yahweh), since this, out of respect, was not due...

Latest Meanings (16)

What is news?News is any type of information that presents a new and recent event or that spreads...

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Latest Meanings (17)

12 examples of cooperative gamesCooperative games are a form of game or sport in which players wo...

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Latest Meanings (18)

Understand what cultural diversity isCultural diversity are the various aspects that particularly...

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