Meaning of Loyalty (What it is, Concept and Definition)

loyalty is the term originated in latin fidelis, which means an attitude of who is faithful, of those who are committed to what they assume. It is a characteristic of who is loyal, what is reliable, honest and real.

Being faithful is an expression used to nominate that which has constancy. Ex: A customer's loyalty, a friend's loyalty etc.

Fidelity is also a rigorous observance of the truth, that is, the accuracy in the reproduction of a text, an interview or a narration.

Fidelity is an old attitude, it was already present in the Middle Ages, in the behavior of the vassals, who had a commitment to loyalty with the Feudal Lord, in exchange for some benefit obtained.

Loyalty is one of the characteristics of God, and it means that God doesn't give up, doesn't turn away, doesn't abandon his children. God also expects His children to express faithfulness to Him.

Fidelity can be represented by the flower symbology. The red ones, such as gerberas, tulips, chrysanthemums, roses, among others, represent love, passion and also fidelity.

The English expression, "Wireless Fidelity" (Wi-Fi), which means "wireless fidelity", in Portuguese, is a communication technology, transmitted through radio frequency, or infrared, which allows access to the internet, with the mobile device within the coverage area of ​​the network. The term Hi-Fi is an abbreviation for high fidelity, which means "High Fidelity", and was a characteristic of some stereos, indicating that the reproduced sound is faithful to the original.

Loyalty Sonnet is the title of a song by Vinícius de Morais: From everything to my love I will be attentive / Before and with such zeal, and always, and so much / That even in the face of the greatest delight / Of him my thoughts become more enchanted ...

Always Fidelis is a Latin expression meaning "Always faithful". It is known as the motto of the United States Marine Corps.

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