in situ is a Latin expression that means "at the place" or "on site", in the literal translation into Portuguese.
This term can be applied in different contexts, being more common its use in the field of medicine.
In the field of biology, for example, in situ it would be the method of study in which the object is analyzed in its natural, usual place or where it develops.
In archeology, an artifact in situ is all material that was found in archaeological excavations, but was not removed from its place of origin, that is, it remains in situ.
The expression in situ it can be used in dozens of other areas, almost always assuming the idea of “place”, “situation” or “position”.
Carcinoma in situ
This is a technical medical term that indicates a serious lesion of dysplasia, that is, an abnormality in the formation of organs or tissues in the body.
Find out more about the meaning of dysplasia.
In situ and ex situ
in situ and ex situ can be considered antonyms, because while the first term has the meaning of "in place", the ex situ is translated as “out of place” or “out of place”.
In situ and in situ
However, the expressions in situ and in loco are taken as synonyms.
in loco it can also be translated as “in place” or “in place”.
Learn more about the meaning of in loco.