Definition of Asthenia (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Asthenia is the condition of loss or decrease in physical strength. This medical term is understood to be synonymous with body fatigue, which can be of organic or psychic origin.

Muscle (organic) asthenia can be a symptom of some serious diseases, such as diabetes, anemia, multiple sclerosis, among others. However, it is also a consequence of more common pathologies, such as viral or bacterial infections, such as colds, for example.

Asthenia should not be confused with fatigue caused by physical fatigue, as the former does not appear after exertion and does not disappear even after rest. The lack of vigor that asthenia causes is related to the individual's metabolic, immunological or psychological malfunction.

Learn more about meaning of fatigue.

In the psychological area, the psychic asthenia, also known as neurasthenia, is characterized by the absence of the strength (resistance) of the system. nervousness of the individual, which can be provoked as a consequence of mental exhaustion or depression, by example.

The patient may still have no disease and have asthenia. In this case, he is diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Symptoms and Treatments

As said, asthenia is the lack of strength in the body, that is, the individual in this state feels unstimulated, unwilling and unwilling to perform any type of physical or mental movement.

Other symptoms include problems with concentration, sleep, memory failure, changes in appetite and loss of sexual libido.

O asthenia treatment varies according to the context that provoked it. For example, if organic asthenia is a consequence of a certain disease, the treatment will be based on curing the original pathology.

In the case of functional asthenia (caused as a consequence of psychic factors), it is advisable to change the harmful habits, such as overwork, lack of organization, avoiding stressful situations, among others. The administration of antidepressants can also be part of the treatment, but only with the exclusive indication of a qualified physician.

It is also important to maintain good habits to prevent or combat asthenia, such as getting a good night's sleep, eating a balanced diet, and exercising regularly.

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