Anatomy is the study microscopic or macroscopic of the physical structure of organic beings, bearing in mind the shape and arrangement of its organs.
Anatomy is one of the areas that are studied in biology and medicine courses, for example, where students learn how it works and the location of each part of a living being's body.
Usually, the expression "do the anatomy" is related to the action of dissecting a body, that is, opening it surgically and analyzing each part of its body.
In a figurative sense, the word anatomy is related to a thorough analysis of something. Example: "do the anatomy of the text".
A person who has a "beautiful anatomy" is considered to have a good body structure.
Human anatomy
Human anatomy, from a medical perspective, consists of knowledge of all the structures of the human body, in relation to their health conditions.
Most anatomists specialize in only certain areas of the human body, such as the brain, cardiac system, respiratory system and so on. Cadaver dissections are the ideal activities to exercise and learn human anatomy.
Two main paths can be followed within human anatomy: a topography, when the study of organs is made from their location in the body; and the descriptive anatomy, when the focus is on the biological tissues that make up the analyzed organs.
Human anatomy still aims to study the morphological origin of the body, that is, the reasons that led the structure of the human organism to be the way it is. To reach its goals, it resorts to embryology, evolutionary biology and other known sciences.
Pathologic anatomy
Pathological anatomy boils down to the study of organs that are diseased or that suffer from some deficiency. Pathology is a branch of medicine that studies diseases, and pathological anatomy is part of this study.
Also know the Parts of the human body.