Latest Meanings (99)

Meaning of Social Hierarchy

Social hierarchy is the levels and positions of each individual within a society. The social hierarchy causes people to be divided into groups, according to a structure, between classes...

Meaning of Participatory Democracy

Participatory democracy is a model for exercising power, where the population actively participates in taking the main political decisions. The idea of ​​participatory democracy (also known as...

Definition of Absolute Population

Absolute population is the total number of inhabitants of a place (country, city, state, etc.). When a certain place has a large number of inhabitants, we say it is “populous” or large...

meaning of macumba

Macumba is a generic variation attributed to Afro-Brazilian cults, syncretized with influences from the Catholic religion, the occult, Amerindian cults and spiritualism. In the "family tree"...

Definition of Agrarian Reform

Agrarian reform is the reorganization of the agrarian structure with the aim of promoting a fairer distribution of land. The agrarian reform aims to provide the redistribution of...

Meaning of Not Yet

However, it is a conjunctive phrase whose meaning refers to a situation of opposition to another presented idea, but which does not prevent its implementation. It is synonymous with " despite ", "...

Meaning of the Incas, Mayans and Aztecs

Incas, Mayans and Aztecs were pre-Columbian civilizations that inhabited the current American continent at different times. They are known for representing large empires with complex systems...

meaning of paperback

Paperback means a soft cover book in Portuguese, also known as a brochure. Paperback is a type of book and paper binding, usually with few sheets, where the cover is soft...

Definition of hydroelectric energy

Hydroelectric energy is the way to obtain electrical energy through the force and movement of water (potential energy or hydraulic energy). Considered the second largest source of electrical energy in the...

meaning of analogy

Analogy is a similarity relationship established between two or more distinct entities. The term comes from the Greek word “analogía” which means “proportion”. An analogy can be made,...

Meaning of Word

A word is a term, a word, an expression. It is a verbal or written manifestation formed by a group of phonemes with a meaning. From the Latin parable. Word is a set of articulated sounds...

Definition of Xote

Xote is a musical dance rhythm performed by several singers and forró ensembles. It's a dance rhythm that's played on June festivities in several states in northeastern Brazil. The gaucho xote is...

Thesis meaning

Thesis is a subject, a theme, an object. It is a proposition that presents itself to be discussed and defended by someone, based on certain hypotheses or presuppositions. From the Greek “thesis” which means...

5 Selfless Attitudes That Changed the World

The world would be a much more beautiful place if we all practiced altruism. By the way, do you REALLY know what that means? Being altruistic is helping others, that is, being supportive of emotions and...

meaning of bourgeoisie

Bourgeoisie is a social class of the capitalist regime, where its members are the owners of the capital, that is traders, industrialists, landowners, real estate owners, the owners of riches and...

Expressions in Latin (3)

Definition of Carpe NoctemCarpe noctem is a Latin expression that literally means "enjoy the nigh...

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What is sport?

Sport is all competitive physical activity with well-defined rules and goals. Sports can be pract...

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Tié Lenzi (Master in Legal-Political Sciences)

Degree in Law and Master in Legal-Political Sciences. She loves to talk and understand how things...

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