Popular Meanings (100)

Meaning of Infinity Symbol

The infinity symbol, also known as the Lying Eight, represents the concept of what eternity would be like, as something that has neither a beginning nor an end. The current symbol used as referring to infinity...

Definition of Delivery

Delivery is the English word that means delivery, distribution or shipment. This word is a noun that comes from the verb deliver, which refers to the act of delivering, transmitting or distributing...

Definition of Letterhead

Letterhead is part of the visual identity for promoting and identifying a company, institution, association and other liberal professionals. It consists of the design of the paper on which they are printed...

Definition of Cytology

Cytology, currently called Cell Biology, is the science that studies the structure, composition and physiology of cells, through cell membranes, cytoskeleton, organelles...

meaning of toil

Toil means work, read, service. It is a word from the Latin laborattor, which means read, work. Toil is a feminine noun that refers to a task that is painfully carried out,...

what is creativity

Creativity is a feminine noun that comes from the Latin creare, which indicates the ability to create, produce or invent new things. Being creative is think outside the box.

Definition of Anxiety

Anxiety is a psychic state of apprehension or fear caused by anticipation of an unpleasant or dangerous situation. The word "anxiety" comes from the Latin anxietas, which means "anguish",...

Definition of Underground

Underground means underground, in Portuguese, and is used to call a culture that escapes the normal and known standards of society. Underground is an environment with a different culture, which doesn't...

Definition of Oxossi

Oxossi is a deity of African religions, also known as orixá, who represents knowledge and forests. Usually, he is represented by the figure of a man who has in his hands a...

Definition of indolent

Indolent is an adjective or noun of two genders in the Portuguese language, used to describe something or someone who does not have the capacity to feel physical pain. This term is also quite common...

Definition of Graduate

Graduate is a teaching model aimed at people who have completed an undergraduate degree. In Brazil, undergraduate courses are divided into bachelor, bachelor and technologist degrees. The goal...

Definition of Afrodescendant

Afro-descendant is one who descends from African. The word Afro-descendant is formed by two adjectives: afro, which refers to the African, more descendant, which is the one who descends from, who comes from...

Definition of BRICS

BRICS is the name of an economic group of countries considered "emerging", currently formed by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Unlike Mercosur or the European Union, the BRICS...

meaning of bold

Bold is an adjective from the Portuguese language and used to characterize someone who is daring, who has innovation or who is brave, brave. Boldness - the act of daring - can have a connotation...

Definition of Stable Union

Stable union is a contract signed between two people who live in a long-lasting and stabilized relationship, with the aim of establishing a family nucleus. According to the New Civil Code...

Latest Meanings (317)

Definition of CNPQCNPQ stands for the National Research Council, which is currently called the Na...

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Latest Meanings (318)

Definition of CcCc is an abbreviation for "Carbon copy" which in Portuguese means "carbon copy" o...

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Popular Meanings (318)

Definition of LampiãoLampião is a type of lantern that uses fuel to soak a wick that is lit with ...

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