Meaning of Stalker (What it is, Concept and Definition)

stalkeris an English word meaning "stalker". It is applied to someone who insistently and obsessively teases another person who, in many cases, is a celebrity. Persistent persecution can lead to attacks and assaults.

With the Internet, the practice entered the virtual field: the cyberstalking it is practiced through computer means with anyone who arouses the aggressor's interest.

The practice of spying on and stalking someone is called "stalking" (peek). The term has been used since the 1980s when there was a relentless pursuit of celebrities. In many countries it has become considered a crime depending on the victim's feeling towards the stalker. An example of stalker é Stalker Sarah, a young woman known for taking pictures with a large number of famous people, and posting them on the internet.

The various social networks provide stalkers all the information you seek about your target. Instant celebrities, the overexposure of some people and the amount of personal data disclosed on the networks facilitate and encourage the attitude of virtual stalkers.

Not all cases of stalking they can turn into persecutions. Often, the social networks themselves are configured so that information can be seen by everyone and, in these cases, spying on the lives of others is not a choice. Therefore, it is up to the user to limit their privacy. Today's social networks have advanced privacy settings.

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