Portuguese Language (24)

meaning of protest

Protest is a form of democratic demonstration, public or reserved, which demonstrates discontent with something. People who protest against something usually don't agree...

Definition of Avid

Ávido is an adjective in the Portuguese language, referring to what is desired with great intensity, that is, an extremely strong will to conquer, win or do something. Etymologically, the word "greedy"...

meaning of apex

Apex is a masculine noun in the Portuguese language that refers to the highest point of a place, that is, the summit or apex of a region. In a figurative sense, the apex can still mean the degree...

Definition of Alibi

Alibi is a masculine noun in Portuguese, relating to evidence or testimony that aims to justify, defend and prove someone's innocence, freeing them from guilt. In a context...

Definition of Hard

Árduo is an adjective in Portuguese, referring to something that is difficult, tiring, complicated to perform or access. Etymologically, the word "hard" originated from the Latin arduus, which...

Definition of Indignation

Indignation is a feminine noun in Portuguese related to the action or effect of becoming indignant, that is, feeling anger, contempt and frustration for something considered offensive, unfair or incorrect. O...

Definition of Insidious

Insidious is an adjective in the Portuguese language that defines something or someone who is treacherous, sneaky, deceptive or false. Etymologically, the word "insidious" came from the Latin insidiosus, which is...

Submission Meaning

Submission is the act or action of submitting to something or something; let passively dominate; a form of subordination, allegiance or servitude. Submission is based on the condition of obeying orders...

Meaning of Expectation

Expectation is the state or quality of expecting something or something that is feasible or likely to happen; a great desire or eagerness to receive news or witness an event that is...

meaning of tongue lock

Tongue lock is considered a verbal game, used as a form of playful learning for children, teenagers and adults. The tongue twister's main challenge is to be able to reproduce it, clearly and...

Meaning of Compliant

Complacent is an adjective of two genders in the Portuguese language, used to describe something or someone endowed with complacency, that is, who is benevolent, understanding or kind. When you say that...

Complement meaning

Complement is a masculine noun that means finishing and refers to something that completes something else. When filling out entries, you must have already come across the optional add-on item in the...

Definition of Dislike

Dislike is a feeling of revulsion and instinctual revulsion towards someone or something; feeling of disagreement and disharmony between two individuals. Etymologically, the word "antipathy" has...

meaning of daydream

Daydream is a state of wandering of the human being, when he lets himself be carried away by imagination, images, dreams or deep thoughts; ignoring contact with reality or the environment that surrounds you. The daydream...

Definition of Cacophony

Cacophony is a common language vice in the Portuguese language, when a word or syllable, in conjunction with others, form expressions with unpleasant or ambiguous sounds; with double meaning, usually...

Popular Meanings (341)

Understand the difference between cisgender and transgenderCisgender (or simply cis) is the term ...

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Latest Meanings (340)

Definition of Waist GameFlexibility means having the flexibility to face something, getting out o...

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Latest Meanings (341)

meaning of noIt doesn't mean the same as saying, yes, of course. For it is not a polite way of an...

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