Grammatical class or word class is the name given to the set that classifies a word, based on its syntactic and morphological structure. In the Portuguese language, there are ten grammatical classes, which...
A literary text is a textual construction in accordance with the norms of literature, with its own objectives and characteristics, as a language designed to cause emotions in the reader. According to the...
DNA and RNA are acronyms for chemical substances involved in the transmission of hereditary characters and in the production of composite proteins, which are the main constituent of living beings; are acids...
Discrimination is a feminine noun meaning distinction or differentiation. However, the most common sense of the term is to designate a prejudiced action in relation to a person or group of...
Economics is a science that studies the processes of production, distribution, accumulation and consumption of material goods. It is the restraint or moderation in spending, it is a saving. In the figurative sense,...
Republic is a word that describes a form of government in which the Head of State is elected by the representatives of citizens or by the citizens themselves, and performs its function for a period of time. limited...
A preposition is any invariable word that links two other words, establishing between them certain relationships of meaning and dependence. Examples: Casa de Luís (ownership relationship). Arrived with...
Surplus value is an expression from the scope of Economics, created by Karl Marx which means part of the value of the workforce spent by a given worker in production and who is unpaid fur...
Absenteeism is a word with Latin origins, where absens means "to be outside, away or absent". Absenteeism is the act of abstaining from some activity or function. Absenteeism is also...
The rainbow is composed of 7 colors, which are presented in this order, from the outside to the inside: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo (or indigo) and violet. The psychology of colors, a study of...
LOL is an English slang that represents the abbreviation of the expression " laughing out loud ", and in Portuguese it means something like laughing really loud, rolling with laughter, etc. Other people attribute meanings...
Poetry is a literary genre characterized by harmoniously structured verse composition. It is a manifestation of beauty and aesthetics portrayed by the poet in the form of words. In the sense...
Gluten is a protein composed of a mixture of the proteins gliadin and glutenin, which are found naturally in the seeds of many cereals, such as wheat, barley, rye and oats. For some people, the...
Cave myth is a metaphor created by the Greek philosopher Plato. History is an attempt to explain the condition of ignorance in which human beings live, imprisoned by the senses and the...
Positivism is a current of philosophical, sociological and political thought that emerged in the mid-19th century in France. The main idea of positivism was that scientific knowledge should be...