Latest Meanings (138)

Meaning of Concession

Concession is a feminine noun from the Latin "concessio" which means permission and expresses the act or effect of granting, granting or delivering something to someone. It may also be related...

Definition of Pantanal

The Pantanal is one of the six continental Brazilian biomes, along with the Amazon, Cerrado, Atlantic Forest, Caatinga and Pampa. It consists of the floodplain located south of Mato Grosso and northwest of Mato...

Definition of Atlantic Forest

Atlantic Forest is a tropical biome, composed of a diversity of plant formations and that is present in a large part of the Brazilian coast. The Atlantic Forest is considered one of the most important...

meaning of interpretation

Interpretation is a feminine noun that characterizes the action or effect that establishes a relationship of perception of the message you want to transmit, whether simultaneous or consecutive, between two...

Definition of Coherent

Coherent is someone or something that contains coherence and cohesion, that is, acts and is permeated with logic and authenticity. Being coherent is being rational, when someone can use a sequence of...

meaning of coherence

Coherence is the characteristic of what has logic and cohesion, when a set of ideas presents nexus and uniformity. For something to have coherence, this object needs to present a sequence that...

Definition of Cohesion

Cohesion is the harmonic link between two parts, used in grammar as a way to obtain a clear and understandable text. In linguistic studies, textual cohesion consists in the correct use of...

meaning of religious knowledge

Religious knowledge (also called theological knowledge) is all knowledge based on sacred or divine doctrines. Religious knowledge is supported by religious faith, that is, belief...

Meaning of the Scythe and the Hammer

The hammer and sickle is one of the most used symbols to represent socialist and communist, disseminated mainly by personalities such as Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels and Vladimir Lenin...

meaning of anarchy

Anarchy is a political theory that rejects the existence of a government. It is an ideology that is not in favor of any kind of hierarchy or imposed domination. Contrary to what many people think,...

Meaning of the Communist Manifesto

The Communist Manifesto or Communist Party Manifesto is a document written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, founders of scientific socialism, and published on February 21, 1848 for guide the...

Perspective meaning

Perspective is a word with multiple meanings, which may be related to the way in which a given situation or object is analyzed; a point of view about a specific situation; a way...

Definition of Excess Contingent

Contingent excess is an expression that has the meaning of "excess". In this case, the word contingent refers to a specific group of people, that is, when there is an excess of people in...

Definition of Contingent

Contingent consists both in the idea of ​​what is uncertain, unforeseen and accidental, as it can also represent a specific group within a collectivity, depending on the context in which the word é...

Definition of functional framework

The functional framework is the position occupied by an employee within the career plan of a company. The framework defines which functions the employee performs and what salary will...

Latest Meanings (217)

Definition of ConstipationConstipation or constipation is the delay in bowel rhythms and fecal ex...

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Latest Meanings (218)

meaning of myriadMyriad is the name given to a Greek numeral that is equivalent to the value of t...

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Latest Meanings (219)

Meaning of Tertiary ColorsTertiary colors are formed by combining a primary color with a secondar...

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