Popular Meanings (140)

Meaning of Opportunity

Opportunity means a favorable occasion, opportunity, convenience, represents the quality of timeliness. An opportunity is seen as an opportune event capable of improving the current state of a...

meaning of bday

Bday or b-day is the abbreviated form of birthday, an English word that can be translated as "aniversário" in Portuguese. By default, the expression " happy bday " is used as an abbreviation for " happy...

Definition of Biokinesis

Biokinesis or Vitakinesis is a pseudoscience (theory without scientific proof) that supposedly consists in the ability to use the power of thought to modify some physiological aspects of...

Definition of Semancol

Semancol is a term used in the informal language to refer to an imaginary medicine that would have the power to make people more humble. When someone tells a certain person to drink “tea if...

Definition of homiletics

Homiletics is considered the art of preaching, that is, using the principles of rhetoric for the specific purpose of talking about the content of the Christian Holy Bible. Etymologically, homiletic if...

meaning of osculus

Osculo is a gesture of greeting between two people, expressed through a kiss that represents a sign of friendship or conciliation, widely used among members of a Christian community...

Definition of Dispacity

Despacito is a word in the Spanish language and literally means "slowly" in Portuguese. In the Spanish language, despacito is the diminutive of despacio, which means "slowly" or "slowly" in...

meaning of best

Best is an English term that means better or great. Most of the time it is used as an adjective, but it can also be used as a noun or adverb. Best is the superlative of the adjective good,...

Definition of Masters

A master's degree is an academic degree received by an individual and awarded by an institution of higher education, usually a university. The Masters is considered a strict postgraduate course...

meaning of mood

Humor, a masculine noun with origins in the Latin humore, means a person's mood or comic vein. The term humor is applied to the state of mind, and for that reason many times...

meaning of contemporary dance

Contemporary dance is a type of dance that is not limited to a set of specific techniques, thus encompassing a variety of genres, rhythms, forms and performances. For this reason, it is considered...

Definition of JHS

JHS is a Christian acronym, which represents the initials of Jesus the Savior of Men, is one of the symbols of the Catholic Church. It appears in relief on the hosts that the priest consecrates and offers to the faithful at masses. O...

Meaning of Copyright

Copyright is a copyright, literary property, which grants the author of original works exclusive rights to exploit an artistic, literary or scientific work, prohibiting...

Itinerary meaning

Itinerary means definition of the route to be covered. For example, when a city bus company defines the itinerary of a certain line, it indicates all the stops of the bus from the...

Meaning of pre-sports games

Pre-sports games are adaptations of traditional and recreational sports in order to develop specific physical and social skills in participants. Usually, pre-sports games...

Human behavior (4)

meaning of pansexualPansexual is the individual who appreciates and is attracted to people of all...

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Human behavior (8)

meaning of humilityHumility is the quality of those who act with simplicity, a characteristic of ...

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Human behavior (7)

meaning of stereotypeStereotypes are generalized opinions and ideas, used by people to pre-define...

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