Meaning of Ascension (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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Rise means climb or elevation. Designates the act of ascending. A promotion in employment indicates an employee's ascension to a higher or higher position than he previously held. Social ascension represents an elevation of social status, a change from a lower social class to a higher level. The career advancement of women is an increasingly evident fact in society.

In the religious context, ascension and assumption are terms with equivalent meaning. For Christians, when we talk about “Ascension” there is a reference to the ascension of Jesus Christ into heaven, a date that is celebrated 40 days after Easter Sunday. “Assumption of Mary” is also a celebration commemorating the Virgin Mary's elevation to heaven after her death. In some Catholic countries, the event is celebrated on August 15, a religious holiday

Ascension x rise

Sometimes there is some confusion in the spelling of the word “ascension”. Ascension derives from the verb ascend and follows the rule that nouns derived from verbs ending “-nder” or “-ndir” must be spelled with an “s”. Other examples: understanding – understanding; expand – expand.

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