Meaning of Secularity (What it is, Concept and Definition)

secularity is a feminine noun that designates the quality of something or someone who is secular. THE secularity corresponds to a doctrine or one political system that defends the exclusion from the influence of religion in the state, at culture and on education. Secularity is a characteristic of the vast majority of countries.

Secularity expanded with the French Revolution and resulted in the separation of Church and State. For this reason, secularism is centered on culture and teaching. Some authors claim that in some cases, secularism gave rise to irreligiosity, and often to anti-religiosity, which often culminate in demonstrations against some religions, such as Catholicism, for example.

Many dictionaries classify secularism as a synonym for secularity, as both expressions refer to something that is secular. Despite this, some scholars argue that the two terms are distinct, with secularism referring to the concept of the absence of interference by a religious order in government matters; and secularity concerns the political system itself, which determines whether the State is secular or secular.

The secularity of a state does not mean that it is against religion, it means that the country's administrative decisions are taken by the political class and not the religious class. As a matter of fact, one of the tasks of the Secular State is to guarantee that there is religious freedom, and that there are no religions with more legal privileges and benefits. Likewise, the secularity of a country grants the citizen the right to have or not a religious faith, and this choice cannot be grounds for discrimination.

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