Meaning of Selflessness (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Selflessness is a word that describes a action or attitude to renounce or refuse something or someone.

When a person shows selflessness, he give up some behavior or something. Thus, abnegation refers to a form of sacrifice, as the act of ignoring your own interests. Ex: My mother is the greatest example of selflessness because she sacrificed her career to raise her children.

In most cases, selflessness has a positive meaning. However, selflessness can also reveal disinterest or indifference by a person.

THE ascetic selflessness it is closely related to asceticism, an attitude of denying, renouncing or abstaining from pleasures and material things, with the aim of achieving moral and spiritual perfection.

In the context of literature, abnegation is one of the five factions that exist in the book "Divergente", by the American Veronica Roth.

selflessness and religion

Within the realm of religion, self-denial is an important topic, and it is an advisable attitude for those who follow a religious doctrine. In Christianity, for example, Jesus advises in Luke 9:23 people who want to follow Him to deny themselves and carry their own cross.

In spiritism, Allan Kardec also spoke about the importance of selflessness.

selflessness and altruism

Selflessness and altruism are synonymous, because they refer to an attitude of generosity towards something or someone.

Learn more about the meaning of altruism.

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