Meaning of Calunga (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Calunga is the name given to the spirit or divinity that manifests itself mainly through Umbanda. These entities are popularly known as "old blacks", and have a broad knowledge of various subjects.

By the way, the main characteristic of a doll is his wisdom. According to Umbanda belief, these entities are harmonious and endowed with a great desire to clarify people's daily problems.

Learn more about Umbanda.

Etymologically, this term originated from the kimbundu ka’lunga, which literally means “sea”, but can also be used to convey the idea of ​​“immensity” and “greatness”. Blacks used this name to refer to the god of Catholic missionaries (God), as they considered him vague as the immensity of the sea.

Through this explanation, it is common to associate the doll entities with the orishas connected to the waters of the sea, like Yemanja, for example.

Learn more about Yemanja.

In Brazil, some etymologists still consider the difference in meanings between the terms kalunga and doll, the first being related to spiritual entities and religious beliefs, and the last referring to what is small and inferior, being also a term widely used during slavery to refer to blacks, as they were considered “people inferiors”.

Calungas are also known as the descendants of runaway slaves and freedmen who formed a self-sufficient community in the region now known as the state of Goiás, in the center of the Brazil.

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