Art and Culture (2)

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Brazilian culture

Brazilian culture is represented by the set of traditions, cultural manifestations, customs, cuisine and religion of the people who have lived in the country throughout history. Due to a great process...

Brazilian indigenous art

Brazilian indigenous art is made up of everything that is produced by the country's indigenous ethnic groups and represents the culture and tradition of these peoples. It is a fundamental cultural element, produced by...

Cultural Diversity in Brazil

The cultural diversity in Brazil is represented by the countless traditions, religious and artistic manifestations, cuisine, beliefs and customs, of different groups of individuals in different...

FIFA World cup

The World Cup is a world football competition that takes place every four years. The soccer teams from several countries compete for the championship in search of the title of World Football Champion...

Gothic art

Gothic art or Gothic style is the artistic style that emerged in Europe during the late Middle Ages, with the presence of sculptures, stained glass and paintings, in addition to large civil constructions such as...

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Meaning of Folk Legends

Folk legends are a collection of stories and folk tales that have been passed down from generation to generation through orality. Legends have been present in the collective imagination for centuries and...

cultural landscape

Cultural landscape is a landscape that combines cultural and natural elements within a territorial cut. Also called an anthropic or humanized landscape, the cultural landscape is the result of...

meaning of modern architecture

Modern architecture is a style that emerged in the 20th century as a movement in opposition to the architecture that had been done until then - more elaborate and with an excess of ornaments. With the creation of...

Definition of Illustration

An illustration is an image that conveys a message, which is intended to inform, explain or assist in understanding something. Illustrations can accompany texts or can be images that, by themselves, fulfill...

Definition of Concretism

Concretism is a Brazilian artistic movement that was inspired by the abstract art of 20th century Europe and which had its greatest expression in poetry. Concretist poetry proposes the abolition of verse...

Gothic architecture

Gothic architecture extends from the 12th to the 15th century and was one of the architectural styles of the medieval era together with the Romanesque. The term Gothic was initially only linked to architecture,...

Definition of Dramatic Genre

The dramatic genre is one of the types of literary genres, being also called theatrical. The word drama comes from the Greek word drama, which means action. The genre is based on...

Definition of Persistence of Memory

The Persistence of Memory (or La Persistencia de la Memoria) is a 1931 surrealist painting by Spanish artist Salvador Dalí. First exhibited at the Julien Levy Gallery in 1932, from 1934 to...

meaning of mosaic

Mosaic is an art made with small pieces of materials such as glass, tile and stone, called “tesserae”, which are meticulously fitted together to form designs. The musical works of art, as well as...

Characteristics of Expressionism

Expressionism was an artistic movement through which authors expressed emotions and feelings through their works. This expression occurred in an exaggerated, depraved and subversive way, and with...

Latest Meanings (158)

Meaning of InclusionInclusion is the act of including and adding, that is, adding things or peopl...

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Popular Meanings (160)

Meaning of ValueValor is a masculine noun that, depending on the context, can have different mean...

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Popular Meanings (162)

Definition of AvidÁvido is an adjective in the Portuguese language, referring to what is desired ...

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