Popular Meanings (257)

meaning of IBM

IBM is the acronym for International Business Machines, which means International Business Machines, and is an American company that works with products aimed at the information technology area, such as...

Significance of the Paralympics

Paralympics or Paralympics is a version of the Olympic Games adapted for athletes with physical or sensory disabilities. All sports present at the Paralympic Games...

meaning of penumbra

Penumbra is a noun that means almost darkness. It can be defined as a transition point that exists between light and dark and for this reason it has the sense of almost dark. The dimness...

Meaning of Thanks and Thank you

Thanks and Thank you are English words and both mean “thank you”, however thanks is used in informal communications and thank you in standard (formal) language. Compared to...

meaning of theism

Theism is the philosophical concept that defends the existence of gods, that is, superior divine entities that would have been responsible for the creation of the Universe and all the things that exist in it. O...

Definition of Inzonal

Inzoneiro is a masculine adjective and noun in the Portuguese language and means affected, ensnaring, intriguing, gossiping and mischievous. An inzonian individual is a person known for provoking intrigues,...

Definition of Imputability

Imputability corresponds to the ability to hold someone responsible for a crime. A term widely used in Criminal Law, it determines those people who can be punished, that is, who are...

Definition of Opulence

Opulence means plenty, great wealth, abundance of material goods, ostentation. It is the presence of excessive luxury, power, luxury. It is a characteristic presented by someone or what...

Definition of Pareidolia

Pareidolia is a psychological phenomenon common in all human beings, known to make people recognize images of human or animal faces in objects, shadows, light formations and in any...

meaning of professional vocation

Professional vocation is the natural disposition that the individual presents, observing their abilities, your preferences, your desires, your lifestyle, etc., factors that will drive you in search gives...

Meaning of Justification

Justification is any evidence or cause that confirms the veracity and occurrence of a fact or the justice of an action taken. It refers to every action that can support a supposed hypothesis...

Meaning of Date of Birth

The date of birth is the day each individual was born. It is fundamental information in any people document. The date of birth is represented by the day, month and year of birth. The date of...

Definition of Pacta sunt servanda

Pacta sunt servanda is the principle of obligatory force that covers contracts entered into between two or more parties. It consists of the idea that what is established in the contract and signed by the parties...

Definition of Cations and anions

Cations and anions are types of ions, that is, atoms that have gained or lost electrons through chemical bonds. An atom that has the same number of protons (positive charge) and electrons (charge...

meaning of journalism

Journalism is the informative activity, carried out periodically and disseminated through the mass media (press, radio, television, online press). Journalism itself emerged from...

Popular Meanings (40)

Definition of Legislative PowerThe Legislative Power is one of the three powers of the State to w...

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Popular Meanings (43)

Definition of Food WebFood web is a set of interconnected food chains. It is also called the food...

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Popular Meanings (44)

Definition of UnknownIncognita is the feminine noun that indicates something unknown or unknown a...

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