Parnassianism is a literary school that emerged in France in the mid-nineteenth century, which aimed to create "perfect poetry", valuing form and cultured language, and criticizing the...
Sacrilege is the act of disrespecting what is held to be sacred; it is the non-compliance with the norms of a certain religion. Thus, sacrilege is interpreted according to the point of view and doctrine of...
Aphrodite is the goddess of love, sex, fertility and physical beauty, according to Greek mythology. The goddess Aphrodite is considered one of the most popular among all the gods of Ancient Greece, being...
Dealer is a word in the English language, which in the Portuguese translation means "dealer". In the world of finance, the term dealer is used to designate the financial intermediary that works...
Okay (OK or OK) is an English term that means “yes”, “okay”. It is used in situations where you want to confirm, approve or agree on something. Okay is also the name of a meme...
Tongue lock is considered a verbal game, used as a form of playful learning for children, teenagers and adults. The tongue twister's main challenge is to be able to reproduce it, clearly and...
Haters is a word of English origin that means "those who hate" or "haters" in the literal translation to the Portuguese language. The term hater is widely used on the internet to classify some...
Unanimity is a feminine noun that means the quality of something unanimous, that is, that there is an agreement or conformity in some area (opinions, votes, judgments, ideas, etc.). A decision by...
Mise en scène is a French expression that is related to staging or the positioning of a scene. The mise en scène is also related to the direction or production of a film or piece of...
Harem is a word derived from the Arabic harãm, which means a group of women who inhabit and share a house, living under the rules of a polygamous marriage. This word can also designate...
Tutorial is an adjective of two genres that consists of content created to teach a technique or topic related to an area. The word itself is related to the teaching exercised by a tutor,...
Hideous is a masculine adjective meaning ugly, filthy, horrible and disgusting. Some synonyms for hideous are disgusting, abominable, barbaric, cruel, repulsive, etc. In the figurative sense, hideous...
Shared custody is a type of custody of the child after marital separation where all deliberations about the child's routine are taken together by the parents. Joint custody...
Reason, in the general sense, is the faculty of intellectual knowledge proper to the human being, it is an understanding, as opposed to emotion. It is the capacity of deductive thinking, carried out through...
Blackmailing is the act of blackmailing, that is, promising someone something to make that person behave in a certain way. An attempt to extract money or another source of income from a...