Meaning of Coherent (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Coherent is someone or something that contains coherence and cohesion, that is, acts and is permeated with logic and authenticity.

Being coherent is being rational, when someone can use a sequence of logical information to transmit a message, avoiding contradictions or doubts about a certain subject, by example.

For a text to be coherent, some grammatical and semantic elements are necessary to give an understandable meaning to the narrative. The correct use of prepositions and conjunctions, for example, are some devices that help to create a cohesive text.

For a text to be considered coherent, it must correctly present a beginning (introduction), middle (development) and end (conclusion).

Find out more about the meaning of conclusion.

The opposite of coherent behavior is incoherent, one that is marked by uncertainty, indecision, lack of logic, or that is not sincere or authentic.

In English, the coherent word can be translated as consistent or coherent.

Etymologically, coherent originated in the Portuguese language from the Latin term cohaerens, which means “which is connected to”.

Learn more about the meaning of coherence.

Synonyms for coherent

  • connected
  • Switched on
  • United
  • cohesive
  • Harmonious
  • Logical
  • Reasonable
  • Understandable
  • Adequate

See also cohesion and cohesion and coherence.

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