Rational is an adjective derived from the Latin term "rationalis" and is used to describe someone who is gifted and make use of reason, what reasons, what is reasonable, it is according to reason.
Rational is the being that thinks, reasons, acts according to reason. Rational serves to describe Man in general, and is a characteristic that sets him apart from other animals. The antonym of rational is irrational, that someone who is stupid or has an attitude that reveals a lack of reasoning.
In the realm of mathematics, rational refers to a quantity that can be measured. It can also refer to an algebraic expression that has no roots or fractional exponents. A rational number is a number that can be represented by a fraction.
In the religious context, rational is the name given to the manual of divine services that contain the historical and mystical reasons for the liturgy. It is also a square of upholstery, adorned with twelve precious stones, which the high priest of the Jews wore on his chest in great religious ceremonies.
A theme related to the term rational is rationalization, a way of organizing production or work so as to increase yield or reduce cost with minimal effort. It also refers to a set of measures adopted to reach a determined objective with the least possible expense.
Rationalization leads to an increase in productivity and its main measures consist of: diversification of complex jobs, transforming them into simpler and more executed partial processes practice; conception and design of products, in order to achieve a manufacturing process as simple as possible; limitation of the range or type of products (also known as the standardization process).
rational culture
Cultura Racional is a cultural movement founded by Manoel Jacintho Coelho in 1935, in Rio de Janeiro. The Rational Culture addresses topics such as metaphysics and ethics and is based on a collection of 1000 books called Universe in Disenchantment. Brazilian artist Tim Maia was a known follower of Rational Culture.