Meaning of theocratic state (What it is, Concept and Definition)

theocratic state is a country or nation that has a system of government that submit to the norms of a religion specific. The rules that govern the political, legal, moral and ethical conduct actions, as well as the police force of this model of government, are based on religious doctrines.

To theocratic states can be attributed the concepts of confessional states, that is, that like the theocracy, they have an official religion or privilege a religious group in comparison with other doctrines that may exist in the same society. The privilege can be economic, political or even judicial.

Etymologically, the concept of theocracy (which forms the theocratic state) arose from the Greek, in which teo means "god" and cracia it means "government", that is, theocracy means "Government of God" or "divine government".

In most theocratic states, representatives are directly or indirectly linked to the clergy (church or religious doctrine), being considered "spokesmen" of the god or gods who "govern" and "protect" that nation.

In ancient civilizations, for example, the rulers of theocratic states even declared themselves direct descendants of the gods, as was the case in Ancient Egypt. The Egyptians worshiped their pharaohs as if they were true deities, this because it was believed that the rulers were children of the great god Amon-Ra, therefore, also had "divine blood" running in their veins.

Pharaoh, as the figure of a living god, was constantly courted by his subjects, who desired his personal happiness, for they feared that by displeasing Pharaoh, they were irritating Amon-Ra himself.

Currently, among the theocratic States existing in the world is the Vatican, which is represented by the Catholic Church; Iran, which operates on the basis of the Islamic Republic; and Israel, which follows the doctrines of a Jewish state.

theocratic state and secular state

Unlike what happens in secular states or secular, the theocratic State has an official religion, and any other public manifestation or cults that do not belong to the doctrine followed by the country is prohibited.

The secular state, in turn, neither prohibits nor makes official any type of religious manifestation. All religions are free to practice their worship. However, no religion should influence government decisions, and religious concepts and interests are totally separated from the interests of democratic government.

Learn more about meaning of secular state.

See also Meaning of:

  • state
  • atheist state
  • secular state

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