Meaning of Sheik (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Sheik (Sheikh or Sheikh, in Portuguese) is a word of Arabic origin (xayẖ) which means "chief", "sovereign", "elder", "leader" or "governor". In Arab culture, the title of sheikh it is considered an honor of some prestige.

The use of the expression Sheik is applied to denote the head of an Arab family, a clan or a tribe. It can also be used as a title for a chief magistrate of an Arab village. Furthermore, the name is applied to high-grade Mohammedan ecclesiastics (followers of Mohammed).

Typically, the title of sheikh is inherited from father to son in a patriarchal tribe. However, a person is also considered a sheikh when he completes Islamic studies, specializing in the teachings of the Islam religion, Islam. O arab sheikh, thus, can be responsible for the maintenance of the mosques, perform Islamic weddings and lead prayer sessions.

In contemporary Western culture, the word sheikh is associated with an individual with high social status, with a lot of money, famous and popular in the group in which he belongs.

See also:

  • Shekinah
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