Latest Meanings (279)

Definition of Androgyne

Androgynous is an adjective that refers to what has both male and female characteristics. It is the same as "hermaphrodite", which is the animal or vegetable that brings together the characters...

Meaning of Downstream

Downstream is an adverbial phrase that refers to the side on which the watercourse follows. It's the side where the tide runs out. "Downstream" indicates the underside, the mouth side of a river. The mouth is the most...

Meaning of Elucidate

Elucidate is a transitive verb that means to clarify, explain, clarify, resolve, make intelligible. To elucidate means to make it understandable, to make information clear so that you have a good...

meaning of yoke

A yoke is a piece made of wood that is used to join two oxen together, so that they walk at the same pace while pulling a plow or a cart. It is also called yoke or yoke of oxen. Yoke was a...

Definition of Acrostic

Acrostic is a masculine noun, which describes a normally poetic literary composition in which the initial, middle or end letters form names or concrete words. This word has origin...

Definition of Doctrine

Doctrine is defined as a set of principles that underpin a system, which can be literary, philosophical, political and religious. Doctrine can also be a source of law. Doctrine is...

Meaning of Ordinary

Ordinary is an adjective that, depending on the context, can have different meanings. In most cases, ordinary qualifies what is usual, common, commonplace, what is in the usual order...

Definition of Chulo

Chulo means coarse, rude, ordinary. It is a masculine adjective also used to describe what has little value, which is worth a pittance. Chulo qualifies both an individual and a service, a...

meaning of hipster

Hipster is an English word used to describe a group of people with their own style and who habitually invent fashion, setting new alternative trends. The term derives from “hip”, a...

meaning of totem

Totem means the sacred symbol adopted as an emblem by tribes or clans because they consider them to be their ancestors and protectors. The totem is usually a pole or column and can be represented by an animal, a...

Definition of Royalties

Royalties is an English word that means perk or privilege. It consists of an amount that is paid by someone to the owner for the right to use, explore or market a product, work,...

Meaning of Ponder

To ponder is to act with consideration, that is, with reflection, with prudence, with common sense, with judgment, with relevance. To ponder is to consider a certain situation, it is to make an assessment, it is...

Meaning of Equate

Equating is a transitive verb originating from the Latin word aequationem, which means to put into equation, appreciate, evaluate, ponder. The act of equating means thinking about a certain situation...

meaning of rock

Rock is an English word that means rock or stone. It is also a word used to describe a musical style, rock and roll. Although most of the time it is used as a noun,...

Meaning of Claim

Claim is a masculine noun that means demand, litigation, dispute. It is a word used in the electoral context. It originates from the Latin placitu and in the legal field, a lawsuit can mean litigation or...

Latest Meanings (304)

meaning of torporTorpor is a masculine noun from the Latin torpore that represents an altered sta...

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Latest Meanings (305)

Definition of FactoringFactoring means mercantile or commercial development in Portuguese. Factor...

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Popular Meanings (307)

meaning of borderA boundary is a physical or artificial line that separates geographical areas an...

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