ISO 9001 is a standardization standard for a particular service or product. This standard is part of the set of standards designated ISO 9000 and can be implemented by organizations of any size,...
Deboism is a neologism that appeared on the internet as a philosophical current, where the main rule is “to live with life”. The creators of the “religion of Deboism”, Carlos Abelardo and Laryssa...
Nation is the gathering of people, generally from the same ethnic group, who speak the same language and have the same customs, thus forming a people. A nation is held together by habits, traditions,...
There is a wide variety of shoe sizes, according to the size of the person's foot. The number for each size usually changes by country or region. To avoid confusion, the...
Pandora's Box is a Greek myth that narrates the arrival of the first woman on Earth and with her the origin of all human tragedies. In Greek mythology, Pandora was the first woman created by Hephaestus under...
Nato means "born" or "born", while innate has two meanings: "not born" or "born with", depending on the context in which it is used. Both words are adjectives in the Portuguese language...
Except is a preposition used to indicate an exception or exclusion condition. Before the New Orthographic Agreement came into force, in Portugal the word was written with "p", ie, except. At the...
Humanization is the action or effect of humanizing, making human or more human, making benevolent, making kind. Humanization is a process that can occur in several areas, such as Health Sciences,...
Holocaust was a systematic action of extermination of the Jews, in all regions of Europe dominated by the Germans, in the concentration camps, undertaken by the Nazi regime of Adolf Hitler, during...
Text is a set of linked words and phrases that allow interpretation and convey a message. It is any work written in an original version and which constitutes a book or written document. One...
Psychology is the area of science that studies the human mind and behavior and their interactions with the physical and social environment. The word comes from the Greek terms psycho (soul) and logía (study). O...
Apathy is a psychological condition called an emotional state of indifference. It is the lack of emotion or motivation of an individual in relation to something or some situation, having as some of their...
Vulgus is the term used to refer to a popular class, a person who is part of the people, that is, who belongs to the majority of individuals. Etymologically, this word comes from the Latin...
Orthodox is one who faithfully follows a principle, a norm or a doctrine. From the Greek “orthos” meaning “upright” and “doxa” meaning “faith”. It is what is in accordance with the doctrine...
Urgency and emergency are two terms used mainly in the field of Medicine, and their respective meanings are often confused. The emergency happens when there is a situation that...