Latest Meanings (314)

meaning of dust

Duster is an English language noun derived from the word “dust” meaning dust or dust. Duster can refer to the duster (which cleans the dust) or something that makes dust. Duster is a...

Definition of Drive thru

Drive thru is a product sales service, usually fast food, that allows the customer to buy the product without leaving the car. Drive thru is a corruption of the expression “drive-through”...

Definition of Drifting

Drifting (English word meaning "adrift") is a style of driving cars, specially prepared for this purpose, which consists of using various skidding techniques on the curves,...

meaning of playwright

Dramatist is an expression that has its origins in the Greek "dramatourgós", which means author of plays. The dramatic texts written by the playwright are intended for performance by actors,...

meaning of drama

Drama is an expression used to designate a moving situation, which involves suffering or affliction. Examples: "The drama of abandoned children", "The drama of the victims of war", "The drama of...

meaning of oriental dragon

The eastern dragon is a traditional symbol of some countries like China or Japan and has the meaning of wisdom, strength, power, protection and wealth. It looks like a giant snake with four...

meaning of dragon

Dragon is an animal that is represented with a snake's tail, claws and wings. It is a mythological figure present in the history of several civilizations. It's a kind of giant lizard, which releases fire through...

Definition of DPVAT

DPVAT is the Insurance for D yrs PERSONAL C USED by Automotive Vehicles on T errestrial Roads, the "Mandatory Insurance" which is paid annually together with the first installment of the IPVA, or in the Quota Only. O...

Definition of Gilding the Pill

Gilding the pill is an idiomatic expression of the Portuguese language and means presenting something difficult or unpleasant as something softer and easier to accept. It is possible to say that the...

meaning of henceforth

Henceforth it means from now on or from now on. It is an adverb of time, which determines a change from a certain point towards the future. It is synonymous with the future, in...

meaning of dolo

Dolo means fraud, bad faith, machination. It is every act with which someone consciously induces, maintains or confirms the other in error. It is the will aimed at obtaining a criminal result or the risk...

Definition of Disease

Disease is a set of specific signs and symptoms that affect a living being, altering its normal state of health. The word is of Latin origin, where “dolentia” means “pain,...

meaning of diva

Diva is a female deity, a goddess. In the figurative sense, she is a very beautiful woman. It is a feminine noun derived from the Latin divus (goddess). Diva was a word initially used for famous...

meaning of digression

Digression means digression, deviation from course or subject and even subterfuge. It originates from the Latin "digressione". In Literature, digression is a resource used by the narrator to divert attention...

Definition of Digraph

Digraph is the meeting of two letters that, when pronounced, emit a single phonem a. Examples of digraphs are: na sc er, die r er, cry, i ss o, aquilo. The word "digraph" has a Greek origin, being...

Latest Meanings (121)

Definition of FemicideFemicide means the persecution and intentional killing of females, classifi...

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Latest Meanings (120)

Definition of Criminal AgeCriminal adulthood is the minimum age at which a person can be criminal...

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Popular Meanings (123)

Definition of AutomationAutomation is a system that employs automatic processes that command and ...

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