ID is the acronym for identity, an English word that means “identity” in the literal translation to the Portuguese language. In the context of the world connected to online networks, through the internet, the ID becomes...
Superego is the moral aspect of the individual's personality, according to Sigmund Freud's Theory of Psychoanalysis. The superego is responsible for “taming” the Id, that is, repressing the primitive instincts...
Robbery is the crime that consists in the misappropriation of someone else's movable property, through the use of violence or serious threat by the victim by the criminal. The crime of theft is based on article 157...
Retail is considered the type of sale that is made directly to the final consumer, without intermediaries, and where the goods are sold in small quantities. A retail market sells the...
Injury is the act of offending someone's honor and dignity. It means the same as insulting, offending others. It originates from the word injustice, and corresponds to what is unfair, the opposite of what...
Defamation is when someone creates a bad name for another person, thereby damaging that person's reputation. In the Brazilian Penal Code, defamation is a crime defined by the act of dishonoring someone by disclosing...
Slander is a lie told about someone acting in bad faith. In legal terms, slander is publicly accusing someone of a crime. Slurring is saying false statements about someone, in a way...
Listening means listening carefully, interpreting and assimilating the sounds and noises that are picked up by hearing. When someone is listening to something, it means that they are aware and aware of what they are...
RSS is an XML-based standard that informs readers of news from sites of interest. It's a simple way for blogs and news sites to deliver up-to-date information without the...
Hacker is an English word from the computer field that indicates a person who has an interest and good knowledge in this area, being able to hack (a modification) in some system...
Engineering is the application of methods of scientific or empirical knowledge aimed at using material and natural resources for the benefit of human beings. It is the area of knowledge that...
Bad character is an adjective that qualifies the individual who has a negative, doubtful character, capable of performing disloyal, malicious and treacherous acts. A bad person is not considered...
Hardcore is an English word that does not have a literal translation in the Portuguese language, but can be interpreted as meaning “something done or performed in an extreme way”. An expression...
Pessimistic is the adjective that qualifies the person who prefers to see the negative side of things, always expecting the worst of all situations. The pessimist is the opposite of the optimist. A pessimistic person...
Underestimate is a verb that refers to the act of not valuing or giving due esteem to something or someone because you think it has a value below what it actually presents. Underestimating a person is the same...