Popular Meanings (167)

Definition of Concierge

Concierge is a French term that can be literally translated as “doorman” into Portuguese. The concierge is a common position in the hotel industry, consisting of the professional function...

Definition of Peaceful

Pacato is an adjective in the Portuguese language, used to describe something or someone who appears patience, tranquility, inertia and peace. This term can be used to identify a characteristic...

Bid meaning

Bidding is the administrative process responsible for choosing the suitable company to be contracted by the public administration for the supply of its products and/or services. The bids are aimed at...

Meaning of hesitate

Hesitating is the act of not being sure about something, what action should be taken. To hesitate is to have doubts, to have difficulties in knowing what to do, which path to follow. Hesitating is a...

Meaning of Last Minute

In the Last Minute is an idiomatic expression in the Portuguese language and means “something done in a hurry” or “at the exact moment”. Many people confuse the correct spelling of this expression, between the term...

Definition of Wanderlust

Wanderust is a German word that can be translated as an intrinsic and deep desire to travel. It is formed from the addition of two other German words. Wander, which finds its origin in...

Meaning of Honoris Causa

Honoris causa is a Latin expression and is currently used as an honorific title, which literally means “for the sake of honor”. Typically, honoris causa is used when a university of...

Definition of DPVAT

DPVAT is the Insurance for D yrs PERSONAL C USED by Automotive Vehicles of T errestrial R aways, it is the "Mandatory Insurance" which is paid annually together with the first installment of the IPVA, or in the Quota Only. O...

meaning of tsarism

Tsarism was a political system that reigned in Russia from 1547 until the 1917 revolution. Tsar was the title given to the Russian Emperor. The tsars of the Romanov dynasty, who have held power since 1613...

Legal Amazon

Legal Amazon is the name given by the Brazilian government to a specific area of ​​the Forest Amazon, belonging to Brazil, and covering nine states: Acre, Amapá, Amazonas, Pará, Rondônia, Roraima...

Meaning of Nube

Betrothed is the term used to refer to the person who is going to marry, that is, the groom or the bride. The betrothed is the one who is connected to the other person by an engagement and who both are in the process of...

Meaning of Judicial Reorganization

Judicial Recovery is a legal legal measure used to try to prevent a company from going bankrupt. When a certain company faces difficulties in paying its debts, it can resort...

meaning of chaos

Chaos means disorder, confusion and everything that is out of balance. In Greek mythology, Chaos is considered the primordial god of the universe, according to the narrative of the Greek poet Hesiod...

Meaning of Resignation

Resignation is the same as acceptance, a condition of being submissive to another person's desire and will or to the action of fate. The state of resignation is understood as the action of accepting...

meaning of sweetheart

Sweetheart is an English word whose literal translation into Portuguese is "sweet heart" and can mean beloved, love. Sweetheart can be a noun or adjective and consists of a compliment or a...

Latest Meanings (199)

Definition of SiltingSilting is the accumulation of sediments (sand, rubble and garbage, for exam...

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Popular Meanings (204)

Meaning of RebutRefute is a verb in Portuguese that refers to the act of denying or denying previ...

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Popular Meanings (203)

Meaning of vilifyVilipendiar is a transitive verb in Portuguese and means the act of despising or...

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