Libido: meaning, causes of increase and decrease and treatments

Libido is the feminine noun with Latin origin libido and which is used to describe the desire or sex drive of a man or a woman.

In the realm of psychology, the libido is fundamental to understanding human behavior, because it conditions it and is seen as the energy that drives people's vital instincts.

As it is not exclusively linked to the genitals, the libido can be directed towards a person, object, the body itself or an intellectual activity.

In the context of psychoanalysis, according to Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), the libido consists of a psychic energy that results mainly from the sexual instinct and which determines the behavior of man's life. Second Carl Jung (1875-1961), is a psychic energy or life force that can be broadly directed.

lack of libido

There are several reasons that can decrease both male and female libido, and its drop can be temporary or permanent. Decreased libido can be caused by emotional, biological or even external factors.

Low self-esteem and inadequate nutrition, for example, can reduce libido in men as well as women. For some people, aging can also contribute to reduced sex drive.

It is known that certain drugs, which are used in the treatment of various diseases - including antidepressants - can cause a reduction in libido as a side effect.

There are studies that indicate that some social habits can also enhance the reduction of libido, such as the habit of having a television in a couple's bedroom, for example. Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption are also practices that can reduce libido.

lack of libido in men

In men, decreased libido is often caused by a decrease in the hormone known as testosterone. Checking the amount of this hormone can be done with a blood test.

A drop in libido can also be a side effect of any medication the individual is taking.

Another factor that can cause decreased libido is stress. Also, some psychological conditions like depression and anxiety can also decrease libido.

Read more about the Side effects of the remedies.

Lack of libido in women

In women, conditions such as stress, anxiety and depression can also decrease libido. Other factors such as hypothyroidism or the use of some contraceptives or hormonal treatments can also cause decreased sexual desire.

O menstrual cycle it also has a great influence on female libido. Normally, during the fertile period, sexual desire tends to increase.

O climacteric (the period in which a woman goes from the reproductive phase to menopause) can also be a time of drop in libido, due to the various hormonal changes that can occur during this phase. The main hormones involved in this process are: estrogen, progesterone and testosterone.

The same can happen in the puerperium, the period right after delivery. In this case, the tendency is for the woman's libido to return to normal after some time.

Learn more about puerperium.

Increased libido

The measures to be taken to increase libido depend on the causes of the drop in desire. After a health assessment, the doctor should indicate the most appropriate treatment.

There are, for example, supplements or plants that have the particularity of increasing libido. It's the example of ginseng and the weed tribulus terrestris, with the latter having as its main function the recovery of libido and sexual appetite, because it increases the natural production of testosterone.

However, often the best way to increase libido is to change your lifestyle. Look for ways to reduce stress and look for new experiences such as adopting a healthy diet and balanced and regular practice of physical activity improve the quality of life and can help to increase the libido.

For women, when the reduction in libido is due to hormonal issues, hormone replacement therapies (provided by doctors) may be the solution.

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