Meaning of Anamnesis (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Anamnesis consists of the history of all symptoms narrated by the patient about a given clinical case. It can also be considered an incomplete memory or the reminiscence of a memory.

Unlike physical exam, where the doctor is limited to analyzing the physiological aspects of the patient, the anamnesis is a kind of "interview" made by the professional, where the patient is submitted to a series of questions that will help the doctor to do the diagnosis.

Body History, Full Body History and History Sheet are other medical terms used for this initial diagnostic method.

Anamnesis is an essential part of clinical exams. Combined with the physical examination, the anamnesis serves to help identify a disease, as well as trace the reasons for its cause and the best possible treatment.

The anamnesis, as a way to aid in the diagnosis, should be applied not only in medicine, but also in other areas related to physical and mental health, such as: dentistry, psychiatry and even by pharmacists, in situations where a prescription is not needed to purchase the drug, for example.

For take a medical history adequate in Brazil, the professional must follow the rules provided for in resolution 2056/2013 of the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM). Among the mandatory requirements that must contain in any anamnesis are:

  • Patient identification;
  • Initial Complaint;
  • History of current illness;
  • Family history (of illnesses);
  • Personal history (of illnesses);
  • Physical exam;
  • Mental examination (for psychiatry and neurology);
  • Complementary exams;
  • Diagnosis.

The anamnesis should not be confused with the amnesia, the latter being the condition of total or partial memory loss, usually described as the cause of some neurological disease or some type of physical trauma, such as a severe blow to the head, for example.

Etymologically, the word anamnesis originated from the Greek anamnesis, which means “the act of bringing something to memory”.

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