Meaning of Ignorant (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Ignorant is an adjective and noun of 2 genders in the Portuguese language originating from the Latin term ignorant. Ignorant is a word that characterizes a person who ignore, what there is no instruction, what is Stupid, fool, inept, asshole and reveals lack of knowing, unfamiliarity and malpractice.

In some cases, the word ignorant does not have such a pejorative sense, it can also be the quality of someone who is innocent and naive. This word also refers to someone who does not know something because he has not studied about it or who presents uncivilized and rude behavior.

There is a difference between acting in ignorance and acting in ignorance. Those who act out of ignorance act out of lack of knowledge, it is forced, as it is an involuntary action. Whoever acts in ignorance acts uncivilized voluntarily.

The ignorant individual (ignorant in English) lives or acts according to ignorance, often basing his life on prejudices, superstitions, and unfounded ideas. In this way, he builds a false world, with erroneous notions about himself and the world that surrounds him. This way of living and thinking of the ignorant individual makes him incapable of seeing and accepting the truths, and prevents him from acquiring knowledge.

The influential Greek philosopher Aristotle said, "The ignorant assert, the wise doubt, the sensible reflects." This statement reveals that one of the bases for acquiring knowledge is having doubt. If there is any doubt, there is a desire to study, research, think about a certain subject. That's what makes a wise and sensible person. Someone who thinks he already knows everything, has no motivation to learn and evolve, and reveals above all an ignorant attitude. As the wise philosopher Socrates would say: "I only know that I know nothing." Only those who are not ignorant are capable of making such a statement.

political ignorant

Bertolt Brecht, distinguished German poet, playwright and stage director, said of a politician's ignorance:

"The worst illiterate is the politically illiterate. He does not listen, speak, or participate in political events. He does not know that the cost of living, the price of beans, fish, flour, rent, shoes and medicine depend on political decisions.
The politically illiterate is so stupid that he is proud and puffs out his chest saying he hates politics. The imbecile does not know that, out of his political ignorance, the prostitute is born, the child abandoned, and the worst of all the bandits, which is the crook, crook, corrupt and lackey politician of national companies and multinationals."

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