Meaning of Decorum (What it is, Concept and Definition)

decorum is the same as act decently and shamefully, following the moral and ethical norms foreseen in a society. This term is also related to the behavior of modesty and respect shown by someone in a given circumstance.

When it is said that a person acts with decorum, it means that they behave correctly, from the point of view of the prevailing moral and ethics in a given group or society. THE lack of decorum, on the other hand, refers to the opposite behavior, that is, acting without respect, dignity and composure in situations where this is appropriate.

parliamentary decorum

It consists of the exemplary behavior that is expected from political representatives. All behavioral rules relating to the decorum of legislators are provided for in the internal regulations of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate.

If there is a call "break of decorum", that is, the congressman infringes one of the rules of conduct, he must be punished, at the risk of losing his mandate, as determined by item II, article 55 of the Federal Constitution.

Congress is responsible for organizing the votes that serve to judge and cancel the mandate of the political representative who acts in a way that is clearly incompatible with parliamentary decorum.

See also the meaning of Cassation.

Decorum also refers to the posture required of individuals who hold public positions or functions in general.

Etymologically, the word "decor" originated from the Latin decorum, which means "decency" or "convenience". This term, in turn, derives from the verb decay, which means "to agree" or "to be appropriate".

know more about parliamentary decorum.

Synonyms of decorum

Among some of the main synonyms of decorum, highlight:

  • Composure;
  • Modes;
  • Ways;
  • Modesty;
  • Balance;
  • Shame;
  • Morality;
  • Reservation;
  • Modesty;
  • Guard;
  • Righteousness;
  • Integrity;
  • Honor;
  • Probity.

Learn more about the meaning of Discretion.

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