Popular Meanings (305)

Definition of Brazilwood

The pau-brasil (paubrasilia echinata) is a tree native to Brazil, which occurs in the Atlantic Forest zone, especially in the northeast region of Brazil. It can be found on the coast of the country,...

Definition of Caterpillar

Caterpillar is the name given to some insects when they are in their early stages of metamorphosis. They are mostly segmented larvae, which will later turn into butterflies, moths or others...

Definition of Waltz

The waltz is a classical musical genre, which also unfolds into a classical dance style, originating in Austria and Germany at the beginning of the 12th century. Usually the waltz, either as a musical genre...

Meaning of Interim

Interim is the characteristic of something that is temporary, that is, it occupies a short space of time between two situations or events. This noun also characterizes that which is interim. Per...

Definition of Utility

Utility is what is useful or has utility. Popularly designates a car model, called utility vehicles, or computer utility software. The word utility can...

Meaning of the Moon Phases

The phases of the Moon are the result of the movements of the Moon and Earth around the Sun. Depending on the position of these stars, we see different portions of the illuminated Moon. These movements happen in cycles that are...

Definition of Terabyte

Terabyte (read terabaite) is the name that characterizes the unit of measurement used for data storage in the area of ​​computing, equivalent to 1,024 Gigabytes. It is represented by the acronym 1TB. He...

Definition of Plankton

Plankton is the name given to the group of tiny organisms that live spread across fresh or marine water, integrating the aquatic ecosystem. Plankton can belong to both the animal kingdom and the...

meaning of rest

Rest is the same as rest and relaxation. It means a period of time off, where no activity that requires effort and work is required. The correct spelling of this word is rest. The term...

meaning of storm

A storm can be characterized as a violent phenomenon or atmospheric disturbance, which has a short duration and may be accompanied by strong winds, rain, hail, lightning and rays...

Specification of heat

Specific heat is a quantity studied by physics that relates the amount of heat received by a substance and its thermal variation. Also called thermal capacity, this quantity indicates...

Definition of Imperialism and Neocolonialism

Imperialism, also known as neocolonialism, was the policy of expansion of power and domination by one state over others in the 19th/20th centuries. Imperialism is called a set of actions...

Definition of graffiti

The graffiti are graphic expressions painted on walls and buildings in cities. It can be words, texts or even images. Considered a crime in Brazil, graffiti is used as a means of...

Definition of Rosewood

Jacaranda is the name given to the genus of a group of trees that constitute the family of Bignoniaceae, and whose wood is used mainly for the manufacture of furniture. Etymologically, the...

Definition of crime theory

The Theory of Crime is a discipline of Criminal Law that encompasses several concepts, such as crime, typical fact, unlawfulness and culpability. It is used to verify if a fact is classified as a crime foreseen in the...

Popular Meanings (222)

Definition of Okie DokieOkie Dokie is an expression in English, whose translation into Portuguese...

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Latest Meanings (222)

Definition of Polished StonePedra Polida, also known as the Neolithic Period, was the prehistoric...

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Latest Meanings (220)

meaning of simpleSingela is an adjective inflected for the female gender that qualifies something...

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