Popular Meanings (179)

meaning of affection

Affection is a manifestation of solidarity, compassion, affection and attention that is exchanged between living beings, especially mammals. A gesture of affection is not restricted to physical contact,...

meaning of odin

In Norse mythology, Odin means god or chief. He is the supreme head of the kingdom of Asgard, where the Norse gods dwell. Odin is considered the god of wisdom, magic, poetry and war. É...

20 black personalities who changed the world

The history of Brazil and the world is full of examples of people who made a difference and who contributed to a more egalitarian world. They left their mark on politics, activism, music,...

Definition of Socioeconomic

Socioeconomic is an adjective attributed to every practice that relates situations, circumstances and aspects that affect both the social order and the economy of a place or region. According to the new...

meaning of black hole

A black hole is a very large spatial phenomenon (usually larger than the sun) and with extremely compact mass, resulting in a gravitational field so strong that no type in...

Definition of Blue Flower

Blue flower means dream, utopia, mystery and infinity. It became a symbol of romantic poetry when the German poet of the pseudonym Novalis wrote in the novel entitled " Heinrich von Ofterdingen " a...

Meaning of Applauded

Ovatados means acclaimed, greeted, enthusiastically applauded. Ovation, from the Latin “ovatione”, which means “small triumph”. To be applauded is to be publicly acclaimed, is to be received with...

meaning of slide

Slide is an English noun that gives its name to the device that projects inanimate pictures in cinemas, televisions, conference rooms, classes or outdoors. In a literal sense, slide...

meaning of oratory

Oratory is the art of speaking well in public, eloquently, being a specific form of communication. For many authors, oratory can be considered an art but also a science. This...

Definition of Origami

Origami is a Japanese technique, an art of paper folding, and has been around for over a century, living up to it. to the meaning of the term, which is to make folds of paper, without cuts or glues, to create objects and...

Meaning of Nullity

Nullity is the lack of validity, the state or quality of what is null. The meaning of the term is used in the general scope to classify people or in the legal scope to invalidate any contract. When...

meaning of well-being

Well-being is a set of practices that include good nutrition, physical activity, good interpersonal, family and social relationships, in addition to stress control. So it can be said that well-being...

meaning of anomie

Anomie is a concept that refers to the social state of absence of rules and norms, where individuals disregard the social control that governs a given society. Thus, the so-called anonymous societies...

Definition of the Electra Complex

Electra's complex is a phase in the psychosexual development of female children, according to psychoanalysis. It consists of the stage in which the daughter starts to feel attracted to her own father,...

Meaning of Grantee

Grantee is the term used to define who receives from someone the power to make decisions on their behalf or to represent them in a situation. That is, it refers to the granting (or granting) of power of...

Latest Meanings (208)

Definition of AnacolutoAnacoluto is a figure of speech in the Portuguese language that sets up a ...

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Latest Meanings (205)

Meaning of AerationAeration means ventilation or air renewal indoors. It is the act of aerating o...

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Popular Meanings (210)

Definition of FacadeFacade is a term related to architecture, and it means each of the exterior f...

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