Meaning of Dissolution (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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Dissolution is the action of dissolving, that is, stop being united or break a commitment, causing a previously signed agreement to cease to have effect or validity.

The dissolution of a marriage or a stable union consists in the annulment of the pact signed between the betrothed, causing them to stop forming a couple under civil law, for example.

When talking about dissolution of society or of a government, means that there has been its extinction. This can happen for several reasons, but it happens when its participants stop participating in the functioning of these groups.

In the scope of Chemistry, dissolution consists in the action of mixing a solute with a solvent that results in a homogeneous solution, that is, total dilution of the solute. An example of this type of dissolution is the mixing of salt (solute) with water (solvent). When the two components are mixed, in certain amounts, the salt dissolves in water.

See also: meaning of solubility.

In the figurative sense of the word, dissolution can also correspond to depravity or immorality, especially when speaking of "moral dissolution".

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Fractional Dissolution

It consists of the technique of separation of heterogeneous components present in a mixture. Fractional dissolution aims to dissolve only one of the elements present in the mixture, and soon after this dissolution, others methods must be applied to separate the other components, according to the composition and solubility of each one of them.

For example, in a heterogeneous mixture that contains sand, salt and oil, fractional dissolution will occur at first with the addition of water (universal solvent) which will dissolve the salt. However, oil and sand will remain separate as they are not dissolved by this solvent. In order to separate the remaining components, other dissolution techniques must be applied, such as filtration, distillation, magnetic separation, decantation, etc.

Synonyms of dissolution

Some of the main synonyms for dissolution are:

  • Annulment;
  • Disruption;
  • Termination;
  • Break;
  • Decomposition;
  • Disaggregation;
  • Dissociation;
  • Dissolvency;
  • Deterioration.

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