Meaning of Relief (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Relief is a type of protrusion, a irregularity that stands out on a surface.

In Geography, the meaning of relief refers to the set of shapes that protrude in the earth's crust, conceived under the action of internal and external forces called relief agents.

The internal (endogenous) agents are volcanoes, tectonic movements and earthquakes that act from the inside to the outside of the Earth.

External (exogenous) agents are rain, seas, rivers, glaciers, animals and human actions that modify the earth's surface.

In the field of geomorphology, relief is related to the physical landscape, the current configuration of the earth's surface. It is a term used generically to denote differences in altitude and inclination, surface inequalities, volumes and shapes of the earth's surface.

In creating sculptures, relief is a technique of producing bumps on a flat surface that will project the outlined shape. Depending on the depth, a sculpture can be characterized as bas-relief (slight depth) or high-relief (greater depth).

Embossing techniques are applied in various decorative works.

In the figurative sense, relief is the condition of something that is very important, that stands out, that stands out. It is synonymous with emphasis. For example: “Journalists have highlighted the issue”.

The expression “to put in relief” means to highlight, highlight, highlight or draw attention to a certain aspect.

Relief Shapes

The main forms of relief are: plateaus, plains, mountains and depressions.

Generally, the relief forms are determined by the lithological composition, geological structure and also by geodynamic processes (seismological, volcanic, tectonic, orogenic), being especially important the reliefs defined by the processes of external geodynamics in relation to the processes of weathering, transport and deposition of sediments.

See also the meaning of climate.

Brazilian relief

Brazil is characterized by being a country that does not have points that reach high altitudes (the highest point is Pico da Neblina, with approximately 2994 meters).

The relief of Brazil is composed of Plateaus (Guianas, Brazilian, Central, Southern, Northeastern, Serras and Plateaus of the East and Southeast, Maranhão-Piauí, Escudo Riograndense); Plains (Amazon, Pantanal and Coastal); Absolute Depression; Relative Depression; and Mountains.

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