What is Address Complement

The address complement is a information we use to accurately indicate the location of a property.. This information is usually requested in forms or registrations as a supplement to our address. The complement can be your apartment number (eg apt. 42) or the letter that indicates your house within a village (ex.: House A).

It is important to remember that filling out the complement field is not mandatory, as there are many addresses without a complement. That's why this registration field is usually called "optional supplement".

In other cases, however, the lack of the complement will make it impossible to locate a particular residence. People who live in buildings or condominiums must always fill in this field in forms and forms. Otherwise, it will be impossible to know the exact location of your apartment or house.


Suppose a person lives in a building number 200 on Rua das Flores, apartment number 32. In a registration form, the complement is 32 (the apartment number).

  • Street: Rua das Flores
  • Number: 200
  • Complement: apt. 32


A person lives in a farm at Km 45 of Rodovia dos Cravos. When filling in your address in a register, you must put in "supplement" the name of your property.

  • Address: Rodovia dos Cravos
  • Number: Km 45
  • Complement: Chácara Conceição


Let's imagine that a person lives in a village of houses located at number 1004 on Avenida Girassol. The complement is the letter or number that identifies the house. This information is needed to locate each house within the village.

  • Address: Avenida Girassol
  • Number: 1004
  • Complement: House C

See too:

  • Complement meaning
  • Meaning of Street
  • What is Public Address
  • Definition of UF
  • Meaning of Postal Code
  • Meaning of CEP

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