Frequency is the act of attending or repeating, that is, going to a certain place assiduously, at constant intervals of time. Frequency can be considered one of the essential conditions for...
Kit is an English word that means a set of objects or materials put together for a specific purpose, such as a school supplies kit, a manicure kit, a sewing kit, etc. It can also be...
Age of majority is the minimum age established by law that determines when an individual becomes responsible for his/her actions, as well as having full civil rights and obligations. Each country has its...
Maximus is an adjective or noun originating from the Latin term maximus which means something greater or above all, which is exalted, higher or more intense. It can also express an extreme limit or...
E.g. is the abbreviation for exempli grata, a Latin expression that means "for example" in Portuguese. This Latin abbreviation is common mainly in legal texts, either in the form e.g. as well as e.g...
Asylum is the name given to a psychiatric establishment or hospital that specializes in treating people with mental problems. The asylum, also known as a hospice, houses people with different...
Nanotechnology is the technology of manipulating atoms and molecules. This science is dedicated to the study and creation of new materials, products and processes through atomic restructuring. How to use...
MMO stands for Massive Multiplayer Online. literal) and represents an online game mode, where multiple players compete and interact with the same...
Leap is usually the term given to the year that has 366 days. The prefix bi refers to the repetition of something, in this case, as it is followed by the ordinal number “sixth”, it means its repetition, or...
The Incas were a pre-Columbian civilization that inhabited the region of the Andes Mountains (South America), between the 13th and 16th centuries. The Inca people lived their peak of development among the...
Inspection means examining or observing with attention to detail. The term can refer to a careful analysis done with the aim of finding problems or to a detailed technical study. Accordingly...
Antiseptic refers to everything that has the purpose of preventing bacterial proliferation, responsible for causing infections. Thus, antiseptic products help to destroy microbes and so on...
Lithosphere is one of the layers that form a rocky planet. It consists of the solid outer part of this, which is usually formed by soil and rocks. The planet Earth's lithosphere is formed by the Earth's crust,...
The functional framework is the position occupied by an employee within the career plan of a company. The framework defines which functions the employee performs and what salary will...
Scientific article is an academic publication of declared authorship that presents and discusses results, ideas, methods, techniques and processes produced in a given scientific research produced...